

你听说过“锡罐”或“乌贼”吗? Those words may bring back fond memories for some generations of Tar Heels, 但是对于今天的学生来说, 他们是一个谜. Take a look at how campus has changed through the years, creating new experiences for different generations of students.


老东, Old West and South Building have held their places on Carolina’s campus for centuries, but many other structures have come and gone throughout the years.

As the campus has been reshaped to fit new needs through renovations and construction projects, popular spots for earlier generations of Tar Heels have become unknowns for today’s students.

Take a look at how campus has changed through the years

照片的蒙太奇 including the Eagle Hotel in 1891 and the same site in 2021, 没有鹰酒店.


卡罗莱纳旅馆直到1924年才开业, but overnight visitors who came to campus before then still had a place to stay. 鹰酒店 sat on the northeastern corner of McCorkle Place where Graham Memorial is today, and served as a boarding house for both students and visitors from the mid-1800s until a fire destroyed it in 1921. Artifacts from the site have been discovered during archaeological digs over the years.

照片的蒙太奇, including the site of the the Tin Can between 1940 and 1949, 2021年的地点.


Before the Dean Dome, before Carmichael Arena and even before Woollen Gym, there was the Tin Can. Carolina’s men’s basketball team called the building home in the 1920s and 1930s. It also hosted performances from musicians like Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington and even served as a dormitory for a period after World War II. 锡罐 was torn down in 1977 to make room for Fetzer Hall.

卡罗莱纳大学的航拍蒙太奇, including an undated image of 爱默生领域 and a 2021 image of build on the Emerson field site.


The spot where today’s students study is the same one earlier generations visited to cheer on Carolina’s athletic teams. Located where Davis Library and the Student Union sit today, 爱默生球场是卡罗来纳州橄榄球队的主场, 田径, 1916年开始有棒球队. 到60年代末, 球队已经搬到了新的场地, 埃默森油田的土地被重新开发.

照片的蒙太奇 of 纪念馆 between 1980 and 1929, and 纪念馆in 2021.


Carolina’s main gathering venue – even in the 1880s – was 纪念馆, though the building was a much different structure than we know today. 与今天的纪念堂位于同一地点, the original structure was deemed unsafe by inspectors and replaced by the current building in the early 1930s.



虽然一些20世纪早期的建筑仍然存在, most of the original 戴维大厅 was torn down in 1966 to make room for a newer and larger replacement. 今天,这座建筑是艺术学院的所在地 & 科学学院的心理和神经学系.

照片的蒙太奇, including Chase Dinining hall in 1966 and 2021.


大通餐厅 has been serving meals to Carolina students for nearly half a century, 但不是在同一个地方. 建于1965年, the original 大通餐厅 sat at the intersection of Ridge Road and Manning Drive until 2005. That’s when it was replaced by the current 大通餐厅 at the neighboring Rams Head complex and torn down to make room for the Student and Academic Services Buildings Tar Heels know today.

照片的蒙太奇, including 小学的大厅 in 1953 and in 2021


Carolina’s chemistry department has called 小学的大厅 home for nearly 100 years, but the first eight decades of that period were spent in a different 小学的大厅 than the one on campus today. Built in the 1920s, the original 小学的大厅 served generations of Carolina students. It was demolished as part of a major overhaul of Carolina’s science complex in 2008.

照片的蒙太奇 of the Scuttlebutt in 1951 and 2021


对某些世代的柏油高跟鞋, each trip to class required a stop at the intersection of Columbia Street and Cameron Avenue, 但不一定要等人行横道. 的谣言 snack bar served up coffee and other nourishment to students. Initially a canteen for Navy pilots training for World War II, the Scuttlebutt served students from the 1940s until it was demolished in 1996 after falling into disrepair.

Archival photos and historical details from UNC-Chapel Hill Collection at Wilson Library and “UNC from A to Z,,作者是尼古拉斯·格雷厄姆和塞西莉亚·摩尔.