
创新卡 launches new skill-building programs in Chatham

创新卡罗来纳州的合作伙伴,在以西79°提供项目, a new coworking space and innovation hub just north of downtown Pittsboro, to help people expand entrepreneurial skills and professional networks.


企业家, business professionals and people with impact-driven ideas in Chatham County and neighboring communities have a new way to create momentum around their enterprising efforts. 创新卡 现在是项目的合作伙伴吗 以西79° 并且提供了 以技能为基础的研讨会和项目 at the new innovation hub and coworking space located in the MOSAIC mixed-use community of Chatham Park in Pittsboro.

在会议期间, people learn and practice skills that they can use to build startups, 新项目和他们的专业关系. Although the full workspace at 以西79° is slated to open in early 2023, anyone in the local community can immediately participate in 卡罗莱纳的创新 programs offered at the hub’s smaller Launch Pod space located next door to the future – and full-size – permanent space.

创新卡, the central team for innovation, entrepreneurship and economic development at the 太阳城娱乐在西经79°开始编程 整个夏天都有一系列的研讨会. Those who attended the summer sessions learned how to pitch their ideas, 创建在线故事和内容, 挖掘查塔姆县的经济发展趋势.

“We offer programs that are open to innovators and entrepreneurs at any stage of their ideas, 合资企业, 创业公司或企业,Kimi Yingling说, 卡罗莱纳的创新 engagement and events manager who oversees programming at 以西79°. “你是否有一个早期的想法, 成熟的小企业, 想和导师建立联系, 或者只是想看看一个共同工作的社区是怎么回事, 你会从参加这些活动中受益.”

卡罗莱纳的创新 创新项目 at 以西79° are designed for entrepreneurs and innovators in the community who want to share ideas, grow their 合资企业 and make a difference in their communities. These include educational and diverse sessions that introduce people to useful tools and resources that they quickly apply to create economic and social good in Chatham County and surrounding areas.

“以西79° is a tremendous resource for the community,” says C. Michael Smith, president of the Chatham Economic Development Corporation. “Its programming is a quality addition to the robust resources available for small business owners and entrepreneurs in Chatham County. 他们能够接受有想法的人, passion or side business and help shape and grow it into a future for them. The EDC is glad to be engaged with our small business ecosystem.”

“创新 programs at 以西79° bring people together from across Chatham County, 奥兰治县和北卡罗来纳州中部的其他地区,英玲说。. “Problem solvers see power in the connections they make during the sessions because they gather with others who want to grow their businesses, create economic momentum and solve the most pressing challenges happening across our region.”

Programs at 以西79° tap into the wide-ranging and deep content expertise of Carolina faculty and practitioners, 当地社区成员和行业. From workshops to panel discussions to fireside chats – programming at the hub provides practical tools that innovators can use to establish and apply core entrepreneurial skills. Programming over the summer saw full attendance from a variety of attendees, 包括企业主, 当地居民, 创业导师, 还有在各行各业工作的人, 该地区的非营利组织和公共组织.

“我们希望帮助社区成员培养技能, create connections and minimize risks while encouraging frank conversations and innovative solutions,英玲说。. “通过创造一个协作的环境, we help people work together to generate new positive outcomes for the economy and community.”

Networking is a cornerstone of 卡罗莱纳的创新 programming at 以西79° and is engrained throughout all programming activities. 这意味着人们有足够的时间见面, talk and discuss areas of mutual interest before workshops or panel discussions begin.

“网络的力量是真实存在的,”Yingling说. “These events provide opportunities for innovators to make connections organically, allowing them to extend their networks and find new avenues to work with others to turn their ideas, early 合资企业 and business plans into something bigger than they may be able to do by themselves.”

Upcoming fall programs include a panel discussion to celebrate the success and resiliency of the Latinx community, a workshop on funding options for small businesses and 合资企业, 还有一个关于食物的小组讨论, 农业与社会创新. 阅读更多关于秋季系列的信息并在这里注册.

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