

State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA)

国家授权互惠协议(SARA)是成员国之间的自愿协议, districts, and territories in the United States, 为州际提供高等远程教育课程和项目建立了可比较的国家标准. 它的目的是简化在另一个州的高等教育机构提供的在线课程学分的过程. SARA由一个国家委员会(NC-SARA)监督,并由四个区域教育契约管理.

通过南部地区教育委员会(SREB),北卡罗来纳州是SARA的成员之一。. 太阳城娱乐(UNC-Chapel Hill)是SARA的参与机构,并被授权为所有50个州的学生提供远程教育课程和项目, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories.

联邦法规要求教育机构向在校生和准学生提供联系信息,以便向教育机构提出投诉, 其认证机构和学生所在州处理投诉的适当州机构.

如果你对太阳城娱乐的在线和远程教育课程/项目有不满, the following options are available to you:


Student Complaints

Step 1: All Students

All students, regardless of physical location, 是否应该首先通过与系主任或项目主任交谈来寻求解决投诉的方法. 很多时候,如果学生与系主任或项目主任预约并沟通他们的担忧,这个问题就可以解决. If an issue cannot be resolved at this level, there are several means by which a student may address complaints. 有关学生投诉和申诉程序的综合资源清单可在 Office of Ethics and Policy website, 哪些问题会使学生投诉或关注到适当的个人或办公室解决. Students may also contact the Office of the Dean of Students for advice on which procedure to follow.

有关太阳城娱乐提供的在线和远程教育课程/项目或sara相关问题的学生投诉问题, please contact Associate Provost for Institutional Research, Planning & Assessment, Dr. Lynn Williford, Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, by mail: 311 Henry Owl Building, CB# 3350, Chapel Hill, NC  27599-3350; email: OIRA@826306.com; or phone: 919-962-1500.

Step 2: Determined by the Student’s Physical Location

Located outside of North Carolina:如果投诉无法通过机构的投诉程序解决(步骤1), then students located in NC-SARA states, which includes all states except California, may submit complaints to State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements – North Carolina (SARA-NC). SARA-NC在北卡罗来纳州教育援助局(NCSEAA)的授权下运作。.

SARA-NC Contact Information

SARA North Carolina
NC State Education Assistance Authority
PO Box 41349
Raleigh, NC 27629

Located in North Carolina:如果投诉无法通过机构的投诉程序解决(步骤1), students may file a complaint with the North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaints unit

Submit the complaint to:

North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaints
c/o Student Complaints
University of North Carolina System Office
223 S. West Street, Suite 1800, Raleigh, NC 27603
919- 962-4550 (ask for the Complaints unit)

Additional Resources for Student Complaints

北卡罗来纳州司法部消费者保护司. 向北卡罗来纳州司法部的消费者保护部门提出投诉, please visit State Attorney General’s File a Complaint, selecting the General Consumer Complaint Form under “Complain Online.” Students located in North Carolina may call 877-566-7226; if calling from outside North Carolina, please dial 919-716-6000.

南方学院协会学院委员会. 太阳城娱乐获得了南方学院和学校委员会(SACSCOC)的认可,可以授予学士学位, masters, educational specialist, and doctorate degrees. 授予学位的机构也可以提供证书和文凭等认可的学位证书. 有关太阳城娱乐认证的问题,可以写信给南方学院和学校委员会,地址是南巷1866号, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website www.sacscoc.org. The SACSCOC complaint process and form may be accessed from their website.

State Portal Agency Contact Information: NC-SARA为每个NC-SARA州提供了相关机构的完整列表和联系信息.

NC-SARA Contact Information

National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity
3005 Center Green Drive, Suite 130
Boulder, Colorado 80301

Student Complaint Information by State and Agency


Professional Licensure Disclosures

Professional Licensure/Certification

太阳城娱乐提供各种学术课程,导致专业执照/认证. 这些课程旨在为学生准备潜在的执照/认证 in the State of North Carolina. However, 他们可能满足也可能不满足另一个州的执照/证书的教育要求. 如果你打算在北卡罗来纳州以外的地方寻求专业执照/认证, 了解你打算申请执照/认证的州的具体要求是很重要的.

UNC Professional Licenses & Certificate Programs — November 2022

Contact information for state professional licensing boards


未来和现在的学生应该记住,许可证要求因州而异,在项目过程中搬迁到另一个州可能会影响学生是否可以继续学习该项目, meet the eligibility requirements of that state, and/or receive financial aid funding. If students are considering relocating, 他们应该联系他们的项目来检查许可证资格要求.

International Students

Prior to enrolling in any program at UNC-Chapel Hill, 在美国以外生活和/或工作的未来学生应向适当的认证机构确认,在太阳城娱乐成功完成的任何学位课程是否符合他们打算寻求就业的国家的资格要求, 对于某些类型的就业或高级/专业教育计划.

Distance and Online Education

卡罗莱纳有越来越多的在线研究生和本科学分课程可供选择. 该大学的专业学院和继续教育中心还为特殊人群提供其他形式的有限远程课程选择, as well as a broad range of noncredit distance education programs.

Learn more about Carolina’s distance and online education programs.