
Eubanks grows through changes to become ‘heart of the workplace’

从2008年开始,他为6位副校长工作, Massey Award winner Trevaughn尤班克斯 has always shown her signature pizzazz and an “unrelenting heart of service.”

一位同事在提名特雷沃恩·尤班克斯时写道. “But I hope the committee will see her love for Carolina

当变化发生时,特雷沃恩·尤班克斯会全盘接受. 用一个大勺子.

那把勺子是必需品. Since 2008, she’s worked as executive assistant for six vice chancellors in Finance and Operations.

“我期待改变,”尤班克斯说. “我不反对改变. 我喜欢随变化而成长.”

While growing, she’s become what one co-worker calls “the heart of the workplace.”

Colleagues solidly affirmed that assessment when nominating her for a Massey Award. They lauded her calm presence, high energy and steady hand through leadership transitions.


  • “在她的官方职位上,她简直太棒了. But where she really shines is in the exceptional manner in which she conducts her unofficial duties: as a mentor and cheerleader for numerous staff, 同事和下属, who see her as a model of success; as a gentle guide and adviser on the nuances and quirky aspects of the Carolina culture and bureaucracy; and as the dedicated and consistent presence in Finance and Operations who always conveys the epitome of professionalism. 所有这一切都带着最大的微笑, the warmest heart and an approach that says ‘I am happy to help.’”
  • “One of the most dedicated, team-oriented and selfless people you will ever meet.”
  • “Supports our collective efforts, sustaining us as a team with her energy and infectious spirit.”

That energy and spirit were well k现在n by the time she left the Sonja Haynes Stone Center for Black Culture and History in 2008 to begin her current job. 她从本科时代起就在卡罗莱纳. 1987年毕业后, 尤班克斯在大学里开始了一系列的工作, going from the UNC 校友 Association to Friday Center to Stone Center as administrative manager when it became a free-standing center. 她参与了这栋大楼的规划,于2004年开业. 每一份工作都为她承担更大的责任做准备.

“When I arrived in the office of Finance and Operations, I was given a handbook of contacts and meeting schedules她说。. “With some guidance from my colleagues, I basically had to learn the job on my own. 我必须把它当成我的工作.”

这个故事是油井对C的报道的一部分. 诺克斯·梅西杰出服务奖, 它承认“不寻常”, meritorious or superior contributions” by University employees. 寻找新的收件人档案来或寻找你可能错过的其他人.

Her position broadened in scope as the bosses and years rolled by, enabling her to help new vice chancellors jump into their roles.

“It was important that they knew who the players were in the community and on campus她说。. “I felt that staff and faculty at any level can be a valuable resource to the work of the vice chancellor.”

Eubanks looks on the transitions as intriguing and challenging.

“If anyone had told me, ‘You’re going to go through six,’ I would have said, ‘No way.’ Each vice chancellor valued my role and the energy that I brought to my work. They appreciated what I had to offer, so I didn’t look at it as a difficult time. 这是不同的,是的,但我不会逃避挑战. 我期待着他们.”

这种高能量是尤班克斯基因的一部分. “我觉得我很正常,”她说. “My daughter Jessica has even said that her friends talk about my high energy level. 我从来没那么想过自己,真的. 我只是喜欢和人交往,我吸收正能量.”

她的能量也让她每天都充满活力, starting with getting Jessica out the door for school and driving in from Durham. 她在车里, 但在她心里, she’s wondering what new challenges will face her when she arrives to work.

“我已经准备好了现在她说。. “一天结束的时候, 我有点累了, but I thank God for allowing me to be of service to others and my University. 我不会轻易接受的.”

尤班克斯并不总是那么充满激情. 她出生在纽约布朗克斯. 在她6岁时父亲去世后, her mother Sarah moved three young girls back to her hometown of Reidsville, 北卡罗莱纳. She grew up a happy introvert, a self-described bookworm.

Her boost to high-wattage mode came when she attended Carolina and plugged into what she calls “the energy of this campus.” She also met role models like Joyce Clayton, former assistant dean in the College of 艺术 & Sciences, who “inspired and encouraged me,” Eubanks said.


One thing in particular provides insight into how Eubanks handles change. She loves to assemble jigsaw puzzles, so her approach to leadership changes makes sense.

“How will this work out based on that person’s personality or the way they handle things?  大多数时候我是对的.”